Losing a spouse in the military can be a harrowing experience. Military widows often face the challenge of raising their children alone, managing financial responsibilities, and dealing with the grief and trauma of their loss. Coping with such a situation can be overwhelming, to say the least. As a young military widowed mother, you may find yourself struggling to overcome these challenges. But, with the right strategies and support, you can learn to cope and rebuild your life. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways that young military widowed mothers can cope and find stability in their lives.

Find a support system:

No one can go through grief and trauma on their own. Finding a support system is crucial for any young military widowed mother. Look for people who are going through the same experience or who have gone through something similar. This can make you feel less alone in your grief. There are several support groups and online communities for military widows where you can connect with others facing similar challenges. You can search Facebook for local widow groups in your area, if you live near a military base you can reach out to their Survivor Outreach Services, if they haven’t reached out to you already. Still can’t find the support you are looking for, you can reach out to the Children’s Bereavment Center

Seek counseling:

Losing a spouse can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of a young military widowed mother. Seeking counseling and therapy can help you address your grief and trauma and develop coping strategies to deal with the challenges you face. It is essential to seek professional help and not deal with the situation on your own.

Take care of yourself:

As a young military widowed mother, you may be so focused on taking care of your children that you forget to take care of yourself. However, it is crucial to prioritize self-care. Taking care of your mental and physical health will help you cope better with the challenges you face. Make sure you eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and take time for yourself to do things you enjoy.

Plan a routine:

Having a routine is essential for a young military widowed mother. It can be tough to manage responsibilities and cope with grief when there is no structure in your day. Plan a routine that works well for you and your children. This will help you maintain stability in your life and provide a sense of normalcy for your children. Here are some helpful tools that help me everyday: The 1st one is a very simple tool to get started with a routine, get it here. My other favorite tools are for those moms that have multiple kids, with multiple different appointments and extracurricular activities. I like to color code my schedule so I use these two together. Grab them here and here.

Take help:

Being a young military widowed mother comes with a lot of responsibilities. It is okay to ask for help and delegate tasks to others. Your friends, family, and community are often willing to help, but you need to take the initiative to ask for it. Accepting help will relieve some of your burden and stress. By utilizing the few tools from above, you’ll be able to clearly see where you need the help.


As a young military widowed mother, you may feel that everything is out of your control, and the future is uncertain. However, it is crucial to remember that you are not alone. Support, counseling, self-care, planning, and accepting help are essential strategies to cope and find stability in life. Nothing can replace the loss of a spouse, but with time and effort, a young military widowed mother can rebuild her life and give her children the best future possible.